09/09/2019, Brussels, attendee MC representative dr. Rojc Matej
Presentation of the COST Action and Working Groups
(Prof. Isabelle Augstein, Univ Copenhagen):
WG1: Grounded multi-modal reasoning and generation
WG2: Efficient Machine Learning algorithms, methods, and applications to language generation.
WG3: Dialogue, interaction and conversation language generation applications
WG4: exploiting large knowledge bases and graphs
WG5: Industry and End-User Liaison
Leadership positions:
● Action chair: Isabelle Augenstein (Denmark)
● Vice-chair: Elena Lloret (Spain)
● WG 1: Albert Gatt (Malta, ITC country) leader for the first 2 years; Mehul Bhatt (Sweden) for the last 2 years.
● WG 2: Barbara Plank (Denmark), for the 1st grant period
● WG 3: Dimitra Gkatzia (UK, ECI), co-leader: Inguna Skadina (Latvia)
● WG 4: Irene Russo (Italy)
● WG 5: Fabio Kepler (Portugal, ITC country)
● STSM coordinator: Iacer Calixto (Netherlands)
● ITC Conference Grant Coordinator: François Portet (France)
● Science Communication Manager: Marcin Paprzychki (Poland, ITC country)
● Training School: Anabela Barreiro (Portugal, ITC country)
Planning of 1st Grant Period: Goals and Deliverables.
Activities for the 1st GP (Q1, Q2, Q3, october 2019 – may 2020).
Details about the Budget.Conferences
during 1st Grant period: ENMLP, AAAI, LREC, ICLR, NEurIPS, ECIR, INLG