Laboratory (research)
Dr. Umut Arıöz is a researcher with doctorate at the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor.
Dr. Umut Arıöz received his PhD from The Medical Informatics Department at Middle East Technical University, Ankara (2012). The title of his PhD thesis was “Developing Subject-Specific Frequency Lowering Algorithms with Simulated Hearing Loss for The Enhancement of Sensorineural Hearing Loss”. His research interests include Biomedical Signal/Image Processing, Health Informatics, Audio/Speech Processing, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hearing Loss Simulation, Subjective Testing and Analysis Techniques, Psychoacoustics. He graduated from Biomedical Engineering department (MSc) at Hacettepe University, Ankara and Electrical and Electronics Engineering department (BSc) at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir.
He is the author of many journal articles at SCI/SCI-EXP index and conference papers, additionally 1 book chapter. He also participates to industrial, scientific and EU projects for more than 16 years. He has a teaching experience for 3 years. He mainly teaches Brain Imaging Techniques and Algorithms, Digital Speech Processing, Signals & Systems, Introduction to Image Processing, Medical Decision Making/Evaluation and Digital Signal Processing.
Up to now, he completed 7 different projects since 2008 and, currently working on a Horizon 2020 project as a researcher which is started in January 2020 (Topic: SC1-DTH-01-2019, Title: Patient-Centered Survivorship care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (PERSIST), Proposal ID: 875406). His main research areas in the PERSIST project are multimodal sensing network, feature extraction from facial, speech and text sources, emotion and depression recognition and explainable artificial intelligence.
He has an experience as an evaluator/reviewer for the EU, national and international projects since 2010 (EUREKA IFD, EUREKA EUROSTARS, ESMERA, United Nations, The Sustainable Development and Green Growth Best Practices, Turkish National Agency, Ankara Development Agency, Turkish Republic Ministry of Development, Social Support Program, Turkish Republic Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology-Techno-Entrepreneurship).
He has memberships of International Organization for Human Brain Mapping, IEEE Member, Turkish Informatics Association, Medical Informatics Association and Turkish Chamber of Electrical Engineers.
Featured publications
Computer Architecture, Computer Networks and Forensic Computing, Electronic Evidence and Its Structural Properties, Computer Media First Responders, Equipment Used in Forensic Informatics, Evidence of Electronic Data, Intervention to Volatile Data, Investigating Internet Residues, Review of Mobile Devices, Examination of Different Operating Systems, Examination of Image and Sound Data (Umut Arıöz), Sound and Image from the Data Evidence obtained BE, Report Preparation, Electronic Evidence in Comparative Law. Barcode : 9789750228735, Release Date : August 2014, Number of Pages : 536, Publisher : Seçkin Publishing, Language: Turkish.
In 2006, he attended the 4th FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) analysis with AFNI (Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging) and SUMA (Surface Mapping) Course at Pisa, Italy. Course duration was 2 weeks at Pisa University.
For his post-doc studies, he studied at the University of Chicago, IL, USA for six months (04.2015-09.2015) as a visiting scholar. He attended the scientific studies at Image Reconstruction Lab, Radiology Department of Medicine Faculty. This lab is mainly interested in new computed tomography algorithms with sparse data for using low dose radiation in CT imaging by using Python programming.