Activity description DSPLAB

As part of the research program, DSPLab deals with the field of speech technology and research in algorithms and methods that are world-class native languages, appropriately improving speech recognition and its role in various categories of telecommunications services, such as: intelligent environment, content capture and processing, natural communication. Various influencing factors also play an important role here, reflecting on the quality of service and the quality of the user experience, which represents one of the most dynamic interdisciplinary research fields of technology. Research in linguistic resources fills research work with modern quantitative-qualitative approaches, with appropriate emphasis on the extrinsic linguistic dimensions with which spoken language use is inextricably intertwined. The natural behavior of more advanced user interfaces significantly contributes to adaptability and personalization, and thus significantly improves their usability in ever more technologically complex systems and environments. The key elements of the next generation of solutions in the field of multimodal interfaces are namely social participation and integration, emotionality and affect, as well as the socialization of systems or systems. the ability to understand and perform natural interaction not only by modalities but also by behavior.
