Development of the smart lighting for a smart city
Author: Zdenko Nikolić
Mentor: Matej Rojc
Degree: Level 2 study program Electrical Engineering, course Electronics
Date: Februar, 2021
Author: Zdenko Nikolić
Mentor: Matej Rojc
Degree: Level 2 study program Electrical Engineering, course Electronics
Date: Februar, 2021
The problem we are dealing with in this master’s thesis is the development of smart lighting in the smart city. At the beginning, we analyzed in detail the lighting systems for traffic infrastructure, and presented difficulties that are present in the classical lighting systems used for the traffic infrastructure. To solve these issues, we decided to develop a smart lighting system by using also online web service according to the IoT concept. We divided the problem into several parts. The first part is to develop a platform with several sensors for specific environmental parameter. The sensors measure temperature, humidity, CO2 in the air, detect fire and movement by using PIR technology, the platform also contains a help button. The second part represents the communication part. The communication from the sensors is performed via the Lora transmitter, while on the receiver side then between LORA receiver and gateway Raspberry Pi. The data is then sent by the gateway over an Internet connection into the ThingsBoard IoT service. User interaction with the devices is performed by using ThingsBoard web service, where it is possible to view all data from the sensors. The data can be monitored by the user via several graphs and other visual representations. In the last part of the thesis, we provided also economic analysis of the smart lighting system. In the conclusion, we focused on the possible improvement and how to further upgrade the system.
The design of the presented system includes automation and reduction of the energy consumption as well as system maintenance costs. That’s why we need the right hardware to be able to provide all of this. We have shown that it is not only necessary to adjust the lighting, but also to think about advanced solutions for smart cities. Lighting should also be useful for smart city concept solutions. Therefore, the proposed hardware includes various sensors that are usable according to the goals of the smart city. We will use hardware and software components that are very common in commercial use today and are easy to adapt for more advanced systems..
The printed circuit boards are developed for the main microcontroller on which the sensors are located. We developed a printed circuit board for sensors and a microcontroller. Printed circuits are manufactured by using Altium Designer. At the beginning, we drew a diagram of the entire system, and then connected the PCB scheme of the system. For all the modules we need, we drew the PCB design and wiring diagram. We decided to develop a smart lighting system in smart cities. In the context of a smart city, there may be many other systems, such as smart public transport, smart sockets etc.
We decided to develop a smart lighting system in smart cities. In the context of a smart city, there can be many other systems, such as smart public transport, smart sockets or something else. In our case, we decided for one lamp, which we named LAMP1. This device is also connected to a smart lighting system. Each device has its own credentials. Current device credentials are access tokens. The access token is then used in the program code on the Raspberry Pi platform so that the gateway can send data to our device. All data received from the light sensor is thus loaded into the LAMP1 device.