In the first process, we get an image from an IP camera. We connect to the camera using the python package CV2. The IP address, username, and password must be pre-configured to connect. When this step is done, the system can connect to the camera and capture the video signal. The captured video signal is made up of many pictures, respectively, about 30 frames per second. Only one of the images is then used in the following process, which is intended for face detection.
Furthermore, we need to perform face detection on the captured image. The image must therefore be transcoded into binary format. In this form, it is then forwarded to the Azure cloud platform, where a face detection algorithm is used. In case of successful face detection in the transmitted image, we also receive a response from the Azure cloud platform, which provides information about the detected faces. The transmitted data are unreadable and are only useful for visual display, but in the case of the proposed system they are used for further processing (face recognition).